No it ain’t darkest right before the dawn

That’s wrong

Just so happens you’re gonna notice

When the light comes on

But down in the middle you can’t see it

So make no promises

When the light’s been gone too long

Make no deals

Only devils make you bargain for your life

Make no plans

Make no changes

Say no lies

And make no truths

When its darkest

When its coldest

You only stand to lose

So wait, weep, sleep

Its gonna be ok

The light comes home

Every single day





I know it’s crushing you to look out

See no colors only black

I know you been there

I know you done that

I know you want it back

I know you need to hit the light switch

I know you wanna find the track

I know the walls are closing in

And you can’t seem to make a crack

But trust me when i tell you

That the light is coming back

So wait weep sleep

It’s gonna be ok

The light comes home

Every single day

So wait



and in the meantime you just

light a fire up in your chest

best to

keep an eye out for the test

lest you

miss the chance to light the dark and see

If you need to take a breather

Need to cry

Or need to crack

Maybe stare into the darkness

See what it loves

And what it lacks

That’s ok

That’s alright

You don’t need to hold it back

Just trust me when i tell you

That your love is coming back

So wait



It’s gonna be ok

The light comes home

Every single day

So stay this deep

And wait



It’s gonna be ok

The light comes home

Every single day

So patiently




For licensing contact

Wait is one-stop, available exclusively or non-exclusively (pending any exclusive offers). Instrumentals and multi-tracks available, so contact me with your project!

Playlists, curators, radio

Playlisters, curators, and radio – I’d love to be added to your playlists or shows! If you need anything from me like a high resolution .wav file, pictures, bios, links – or if you want to interview me – let’s do it! Contact me at aaron@aaroFull Width Google

(C) Aaron J. Trumm - All Rights Reserved